Zone60 HG Grade Laser
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GeoMax Zone60 HG Grade Laser
GeoMax Rotating Laser Tech Specs
Adding easy-to-use, dial-in grade capabilities to the dependability of the Zone series core, this laser is flexible in use and enables semi-automatic grade in leveling applications. The Zone60 HG allows a grade of up to 8% slope in both axes with high accuracy. Through the display settings, inclinations are clearly visible and allow an easy, intuitive operation. This is an ideal partner for concrete as well as form works, being rugged-built for exterior applications.
For contractors who need to constantly check the height of concrete to ensure optimum leveling is achieved, the Zone60 HG is the solution by providing accurate and reliable reference working together with GeoMax receivers. For those who need to level the base to achieve a consistent slope from the street to the house, the laser allows automatic operation in the horizontal plane and takes care of the contractor's main job. The grade can be easily set to the required slope.
Due to its semi-automatic grade, the Zone60 HG checks the level and rives to the preset grade. With the slope function, time and temperature changes are frequently monitored to ensure accurate performance.
Key Features:
- IP67 Rugged
- Semi-automatic grade
- Horizontal digital slope in dual axes (semi-automatic)