Rugby 640G Green Beam - Self-Leveling, Horizontal/Vertical Laser
Leica Geosystems
Rugby 640G Green Beam Self-leveling Horizontal/Vertical Laser: Datasheet
- New green diode technology in the Rugby 640G provides outstanding visibility for indoor applications
- Fit for any interior and exterior leveling, aligning and squaring application
- Work conveniently with offsets thanks to the Rod Eye receivers digital read-out
- Scan 90 – make layout easier by quickly moving the beam to the left or right side
- Plumb Down – automatic and accurate plum down direction for alignment over a reference point
- Sleep Mode – save battery and put the Leica Rugby into sleep mode without disturbing your set up
- Includes:
- Multipurpose Remote Control
- Wall mount bracket
- Green Ceiling Target
- Battery and Charger
- Case