Look for Us @ the WVSPS Convention Next Week & Attend Our Seminar!

Posted by Precision Laser & Instrument, Inc. on 2nd Feb 2022

Look for Us @ the WVSPS Convention Next Week & Attend Our Seminar!

Look for our booth next week at the #WVSPSConvention & attend our seminar, "Merging Conventional #Survey Data with 3D #PointClouds," presented by #PLI's, Anthony Pascuzzi!

Learn More: https://bit.ly/3rnsOWY

#Geospatial #GeospatialLife #GeospatialData #Surveying #Surveyor #Surveyors #SurveyLife #LandSurvey #LandSurveyor #LandSurveyors #LandSurveying #3DPointCloud #PointCloud #3DScan #3DScanner #3DScanners #3DScanning #3DLaserScanner #3DLaserScanners #WVSPS #PLS #NSPS #PSLS #PLSO