
Posted by Precision Laser & Instrument, Inc. on 24th Oct 2022

"Let Sleeping Bats Lie!"

"Let Sleeping Bats Lie!" "How do you produce an accurate #pointcloud of a 170m #tunnel, with no human access permitted, that's also home to one of Britain's rarest bats hibernating over winter?"& …

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Posted by Precision Laser & Instrument, Inc. on 19th Oct 2022

It's That Time Again! -INVEST NOW & SAVE!-

It's That Time Again! -INVEST NOW & SAVE!- Take Advantage of #Section179 #TaxDeductions of over $1mil! This is a great opportunity to deduct a large portion or all of the purchase price of ha …

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Posted by Precision Laser & Instrument, Inc. on 17th Oct 2022

"Legal Boundaries: Monuments and Corners"

"Legal Boundaries: Monuments and Corners" Read: #PLI #Geospatial #GeosaptialLife #GeospatialData #SurveyLife #Surveyor #Surveyors #Surveying #LandSurvey #LandSurveying #Lan …

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