Sharing the Love of Surveying Around the World!

Posted by Precision Laser & Instrument, Inc. on 20th Jul 2020

Sharing the Love of Surveying Around the World!

"Attention #surveyors! Need an afternoon pick-me-up? Here are some recent photos of various #SpectraGeospatial products being delivered to the Southern Urban Development and Construction Bureau of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region of Ethiopia! The delivery was inclusive of training, done by General Manager, Dawit Assefa and his technical team from Survey Systems plc! Nothing better than sharing the love of #surveying to those around the world!"

#PLI #Geospatial #Trimble #SurveyLife #GeospatialData #GeospatialLife #PSLS #PASurveyor #PLSO #OHSurveyor #OhioSurveyor #WVSPS #WVSurveyor #PA #OH #WV