Draw Software

GeoSLAM Draw Software

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GeoSLAM Draw Software

Enhance your point clouds further with GeoSLAM Draw

GeoSLAM Draw is an optional add-on software which can be purchased in addition to GeoSLAM Connect and comes in configured industry packages.

Create projects directly from GeoSLAM Connect, elevate your point clouds in a few clicks, and share them easily with colleagues and clients for detailed collaborations.

GeoSLAM Draw Packages:

  • Start: This is best suited for those wishing to create quick and easy floorplans, conduct area surveys or to visualize images captured within scans (e.g. architects, planners).
  • Plan: This package is best suited for those wishing to share data between colleagues, create reports or visualize a variety of shaped objects (e.g. CAD users, architects, etc.).
  • BIM: This package is best suited for those wishing to create CAD models, georeference scan data or use terrestrial data to enhance BIM project (e.g. BIM users, architects).
  • Mining: This package is best suited for those wishing to collect volume data (e.g. mining, tunneling, stockpiling) or visualize aspects of point clouds in 3D.
  • Pro: This packae is best for those wishing to have full flexibility with point clouds.


  • More Competitive: Being able to offer rapid results to clients makes everything you do more competitive and gives you the potential to offer services to a wider degree

  • Ease of Use: GeoSLAM’s scanners can be used by anyone, so you don’t need to be a seasoned expert to create accurate 3D models

  • Go Anywhere: GeoSLAM can be used anywhere, from the tightest spaces to remote spots, without the need for GPS

  • Speed: If you can scan faster, you can work faster, maximizing your time and allowing you to determine layouts, calculate room size and produce floor plans within minutes

  • Continuous Data Collection: GeoSLAM’s scanners allow for continuous data processing, which means you can see individual measurements, including topographical details alongside key features

  • Accuracy: From design, to construction and maintenance, GeoSLAM’s scanners can be used to quickly and accurately scan and collect data at each stage of a building’s development
  • Create and Manage a Digital Twin: For true project collaboration, effortlessly and accurately create a digital twin of any built environment, both indoor and outdoor